Church News

Christmas Eve 2020

Every year, we look forward to sharing Christmas Eve with family and friends at our church. But this year for everyone’s safety, we are having a gathering that will be memorable in a different way. Please join us from 7-8 p.m. outside the church for a candle lighting and perhaps a Silent Night song. If […]

Local Miracles

Mark 6:35-44 THIS IS THE STORY OF HOW five thousand people sat down and ate their fill of five barley buns and two fishes is the only miracle story agreed upon by all four of the gospel writers. The raising of Lazarus, for instance, appears only in John, the healing of the blind man of […]

Prayerful Disciples

In the face of devastating events and in our polarized political climate, we offer our prayers and condolences for people who have been affected by violence. But lately, people have been answering back by saying “Don’t offer us your prayers – make change!!” But Jesus didn’t teach us to pray so that we could be […]

Good News for the Orphans

In his farewell address, as Jesus summarizes his teachings one last time, he also reassures his bewildered disciples that they will not be left on their own, to fend for themselves, to rely on their own resources and their own wits. Undoubtedly this was a good thing; they couldn’t have managed any better than we […]

The Message – A Tale of Two Heretics

John 9: 1-38 The story of the man born blind is a one-act play in six scenes, with a large cast of characters, as biblical stories go: there are at least 12 disciples, a crowd of noisy neighbors, some Pharisees, two parents, the man himself and Jesus. These last two get most of the attention, […]

The Power of Prayer

What if a growing number of people were to stop whatever they were doing every day at 1:00 P.M. their time, to pray for five minutes? This is an invitation for people of all beliefs to hold the people of this Earth in love/prayer/meditation as we face the Coronavirus. This could be a uniting of […]

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