Norwood Community Church

Our church

The Norwood Community Church has had a long history of being a mission church. In 1884, the church first gathered in the Norwood Township Hall which is still standing today. Hand built by congregants and village members in 1885, continuous worship has been held at the current church building since its founding. Without an abundance of resources, the church has relied on local community fund raising to maintain the church building and faith programing.


In 2005, monies were raised to renovate and repair the church steeple. Since then, the church has tuckpointed the foundation, covered the windows with protective plastic and painted the interior of the church. Also, in 2015, an accessibility ramp was installed at the church. Many thanks to village community members who continue to invest time and talent to keep the church as a beacon of faith.

norwood church

Pastor Patti Ulrich

Patti has been a long-time resident of Northern Michigan. She graduated from Central Baptist Theological Seminary of Ann Arbor May 13, 2017. The seminary is affiliated with the American Baptist Churches USA. She has served local churches in the area doing pulpit supply, funerals and weddings. But the great joy comes in serving the Norwood Community Church and the Village of Norwood each week. Our church continues to be touched by the village residents who stop by and help with the grounds or just stop by to chat. Look forward to hearing the church bell ring every Sunday for a long time to come!

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