The Power of Prayer

What if a growing number of people were to stop whatever they were doing every day at 1:00 P.M. their time, to pray for five minutes? This is an invitation for people of all beliefs to hold the people of this Earth in love/prayer/meditation as we face the Coronavirus.

This could be a uniting of all the many ways that people pray around the world. Some might hold their hopes and fears in five minutes of silence/centering/focused attention, inviting a connection with Spirit/God/Infinite Love. Perhaps some will name their hopes for: loved ones, nurses/doctors/caregivers, workers, the elderly, etc. These might be prayers of gratitude for relationships or new insights. We could ask how we can be of service to others in this very unique time.

Perhaps this time of prayer/meditation will spread around the world so that a growing wave of prayer will surround this Earth in light and love.

Please join in a Five-Minute Prayer each day at 1:00…and invite your friends. Thank you!

Pastor Patti